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5 Tips To Be A Top Seller Ghost Producer

| 09/10/2019
Become Edm Ghost Producer

1)As you know, music evolves every day and a lot of big producers are experimenting new sounds and music genres. For this reason try always follow what’s new out there, especially the music that famous dj’s are playing in big festivals and try to figure out how you can get close to that sound. Remember: “the music that famous dj’s are playing right now its the music that people want to listen to”!
2)Pay attention to the Beatport’s top 10 tracks charts and to spotify most streamed tracks for each genre you love. Those ones are the most purchased tracks and this means artists and dj’s want that music style’s track to submit to labels. Dj’s want trending music, they want their track to be like “the number one track on beatport’s top 100 chart”! So, if you wanna sell quickly and a lot of tracks you have to offer that kind of track. BE SMART, offer what clients like the most…. 😉
3)Do you wanna know what’s the most “SALABLE” music to offer to our clients? So, always check out beatport top 100’s charts, most played tracks and of course spotify trend music genres and take those tracks as example to create your track to sell. Clients are looking just for that music style!
4)Try to submit as more tracks as possible on the site. If a client doesn’t like one of your tracks he maybe will like another one. So more tracks mean more chances to sell!  If you have long experience with many music genres,  try to submit more music genres as possible to have the chance to sell more tracks on every genre’s catalogue, but remember do only what you’re good at. If you didn’t ever do (example an hardstyle or a dubstep track) get over it! only make the music genre you’re good at.
5)Least but not last, make sure your track sounds professional! Do professional mastering for all of your tracks cause clients care a lot to have a professional track to submit to labels. A nice but bad mastered track could means a track not sold!

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